
Ironwood Hills Golf Course: Located mid-island up in the tree line, this is an executive course 9 holes only – used by the Libby Pineapple employees in days gone by.
ph: 567 6000 If no one is at the clubhouse (trailer) to take your money just leave it where directed and tee off.

Bikes can be rented in downtown Kaunakakai at Molokai Bicycle 553-3931. Philipwill be able to direct you to the best routes to take. But remember, when biking or hiking be careful of straying on to private property especially near the east end of the island – if you see a sign to keep out – obey.

Halawa Valley on the extreme east end is beautiful – green cliffs, beaches, water falls etc. but you need to get permission and possibly a guide – it is private property. Call: Pu’u O Hoku Ranch 558-8109

Kalaupapa – a visit to Father Damian’s historic leper colony can be made by mule, by foot or by plane – visitors must arrange to be met by a guide before you embark. It is about a 1500 foot almost vertical decent with a switch back trail down a pretty shear cliff – spectacular. Call: Molokai Outdoors (553 4477) or Molokai Fish & Dive (553-5926) to make reservations 553 4477.

Top of Molokai – hike to the top of Molokai, trail head is across from Alii Beach Park – 3 miles east of Kaunakakai or you can take a 4 wheel drive road just past town going west. Look for signs that say Homelani Cemetery . This is only available by 4 wheel drive. Nature Conservancy maintains the Kamakou Forest Preserve where most of the plants are endemic to Molokai. Call Nature Conservancy at 553 5236 for info.

Cultural Hikes – Molokai Fish and Dive offers a number of cultural hikes these are guided hikes taking you to historical places on Molokai including Kalaupapa, Halawa Valley, Moalua Falls , Na’iwa Sea Cliffs and other sacred Hawaiian monuments and sites. Call: 553-5926

Generally the swimming is relatively safe in the summer but you should check conditions at each beach especially on the west end, if the waves are big there is a good possibility of an undertow.

Papohaku Beach – the longest beach in Hawaii. This is a beautiful beach and has very few people on it at any one time. In the summertime, it is generally OK to swim but be careful of the undertow if the trades are coming from the south currents can change quickly.

Dixie Maru Beach is a good beach for snorkeling and swimming – it is protected by a bar so it should be quite safe in the summer.

Kaupoa Beach – located just south of Dixi Maru Beach via a hiking trail heading south – two white sand beaches with good swimming in summer only.

Mile Post 20 – a good snorkeling beach to see fish and turtles. It is located 20 miles east of Kaunakakai on Hwy 450 at mile post 20 (even though it is the same road Hwy 460 changes to Hwy 450 past Kaunakakai going east. Don’t ask why.)

Pukoo Beach– located at the 16 mile marker east of Kaunakakai is another protected beach on Molokai’s East end. Great for swimming, snorkeling and kayaking out to the barrier reef. Neighborhood store is just right there for snacks and take out lunch.

Kepuhi Bay – this beach is located just west of the golf course. Swimming in the summer time is generally OK depending on the wind conditions but there are safer beaches for swimming. Surfing here is for experts only.

Lono Harbor – This is a small harbor on the southwest end of the island where it is possible to snorkel, fish or tie up your yacht You get there it by going through Maunaloa to the south on some pretty bumpy but passable dirt roads its about 6 or 7 miles from Maunaloa.

Kawakiu Beach – this is a very nice secluded beach north of the Kaluakoi Resort. It is about a 45 min. to 1 hour hike – can’t drive to it because the roads are bad. To get there take Kakaako Gulch Rd (just north of the turn off to Ke Nani Kai Resort & Kaluakoi Golf Course) follow this asphalt road until the end at the 13th hole – keep going straight through and follow the dirt road (sometimes it is a stretch to call it a road) keep bearing toward the ocean up and down a ravine until you happen upon it. It is worth the hike. If you cross over the beach you will see a path that continues along the cliff that takes you out to Ilio point.

You can fish for reef fish off the rocks of many of the above beaches however I would leave this sport to the locals. Your best bet for fishing is to charter a fishing boat at the wharf in Kaunakakai. You and 4 to 5 other people can charter a boat for 4 , 6 or 8 hours and be pretty sure of catching some fish. If fishing isn’t your thing, these same charters could take you to some beautiful spots for snorkeling or just cruising looking for whales.

Contact Fun Hogs Sport Fishing on the web or call captain Mike, 336-0047 (he is a good skipper and has a very nice boat. Feel free to call him to see if he has any fresh fish for sale) or Molokai Fish and Dive 553-5926 can also find an excellent fishing charter for you.

Hallelujah Hou Fishing – Ono, Yellowfin Tuna, Mahi, you name it we catch it. Specializing in light tackle guided fishing, bottom fishing (suggested – as its always a winner for catching), and fly fishing the flats for bones. Dec – March whale watching is also available. 336-1870.   Video 1   Video 2

Idylwilde Hawaii – Fly fishing for O’io (Bonefish) on Molokai’s south shore reef.

Molokai Action Adventures Highly recommend calling Walter Naki at 558-8184 to see the tallest sea cliffs in the world. You will not regret this trip.

Molokai Fish and Dive takes people snorkeling and diving off Molokai’s 28 miles of barrier reef. 553-5926

Sport Fishing with Captain Joe Reich Fish for Ahi, Mahimahi, Ono, Ulua, Kawakawa, and Pacific Blue Marlin. 558-8377

Molokai Outdoors Activities offers kayaking and stand up paddle boarding tours along with rental of all types of ocean equipment including kayaks equipped for fishing. 877.553.4477

ENJOY YOUR STAY and please do not hesitate to call us if you have other needs on Molokai.

There may be some numbers that are out of date as many things seem to change on this island without people telling us.

At last visit, there were really only two restaurants in Molokai where you can sit down, order a drink and have dinner or lunch. They are;

Hotel Molokai Restaurant: Located a few miles east of Kaunakakai on Hwy. 460 (the only highway going east) this is basically an open air restaurant right on the beach with great views of Lanai. Food is good and service is Hawaiian style great. A must to go see the Kupuna’s on Friday nights from 4 to 6PM 553-5437

Paddler’s Inn: Located in the Kaunakakai town just off the main highway 450. They have a wide variety of food with lots of local pictures on the walls of Molokai paddlers. Entertainment on weekends.

Other Options for more relaxed fare

Kaunakakai Town

  • Kanemitsu Bakery: Known for Molokai’s Sweet bread, open everyday exceptTuesday. Check out the hot bread run at nights, except for Monday. Go around back at 10PM and get hot jelly cream cheese bread.
  • Molokai Pizza Cafe: in Kaunakakai Great pizzas, fresh fish and prime rib dinners 553-3288
  • Rawlins Chevron Station: at the corner of Hwy. 460 and the main intersection to Kaunakakai you can get hamburgers, maunapua, tv sets, sometimes fresh caught fish and gasoline.
  • Sundown Deli: located in Kaunakakai town. Makes great sandwiches for on the go.
  • Maka’s Corner: located in Kaunakakai town. Makes great Burgers and Saimin.

Maunaloa Town

  • Maunaloa General Store: The only Market in Maunaloa town. Has basic groceries, wine and beers. 552-2346

Kualapuu Town

  • Kualapuu Cookhouse: Located in Kualapuu. Great food, good portions, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Nightly entertainment on Thursdays. You may bring your own liquor and they will serve you. Call 567 9655
  • Coffees of Hawaii: Deli and coffee bar. Molokai’s locally owned and operated coffee plantation. Live Jazz entertainment on Saturday evenings. The menu is growing daily. 567-9023

East end

  • Manae Goods n Grinds: located 16 miles east of town in Pukoo. Take out breakfast, lunch and dinner. 558-8498

All grocery stores sell beer, wine and hard liquor but the Wine and Spirits store on the north side of the main drag in Kaunakakai has the best selection. Although the small markets do carry wine and beer and some liquors. 

Here is where Molokai is unique to all the other islands – it is almost impossible to spend money on anything you would like to take home as a souvenir. These stores are geared for the residents of Molokai and not the tourists, therefore most items for sale are for useful purposes (amazing, isn’t it). So if you don’t need a Hawaiian Sling, a crescent wrench or an ice chest, you may be disappointed. However there are some very interesting stores in Kaunakakai and they deserve a walkthrough if for no other reason that to experience what life is like without the presence of modern day chain stores like Wal-Mart, Target and Home Depot.

Farmer’s Market – Saturday Mornings in town in front of Bank of Hawaii and American Savings Bank in Kaunakakai.

Art From The Heart Gallery – handcrafted treasure from Molokai Residents. Across Fish and Dive on Ala Malama.

Imports Gift Store – On Ala Malama in Kaunakakai next to Friendly market

Big Wind Kite Factory – located in Maunaloa town. Make your own kites. Items from Bali and other exotic places

Hotel Molokai Local Store – Located in the lobby of Hotel Molokai. Lots of great items if you need to bring back something.

Pacifica Hawaii – Molokai made Hawaiian Sea salts for cooking and bathing.


Purdy’s Macadamia Nut Farm in Kaulapuu ph: 567-6601

Molokai Museum – RW Meyer Sugar Mill in Kala’e ph:567 6436

Molokai Plumeria Farm: Visit the plumeria farm and make your own leis. Call first 553-3391

Kalaupapa Peninsula: a visit to Father Damian’s historic leper colony can be made by mule, by foot or by plane – It is about a 1500 foot vertical decent with a steep switch back trail down a pretty shear cliff spectacular but not for the faint of heart. I have heard that the mule ride is a bit scary because these critters like to hug the edge but so far no one has been lost (to my knowledge. Visitors must arrange to be met by a guide before you embark. Call: Molokai Outdoors (553 4477) or Molokai Fish and dive (553 5926) to make reservations.

Kalaupapa Lookout: for those who want to see Kalaupapa Peninsula without hiking down the 1500 ft cliff – it is a spectacular view. Don’t miss the Phallic Rock nearby – from the pre-Viagra age. Follow Hwy 470 north until the end at a parking lot – follow the signs or the trails.

Molokai Coffee Plantation North on Hwy 470 located on the left in Kualapu’u. Have a tour of the plantation and a cup of local “Joe” afterwards on the verandah.

North shore cliffs: see the highest sea cliffs in the world by boat – contact Walter Naki at: 558 8184

Day Trip to Maui If things get too quiet here you can take the Molokai Princess to Lahaina, Maui for a day trip to remind you why you came to Molokai in the first place. ph: (808) 667-6165

Molokai Outdoors: Offering a variety of tours and equipment rentals such as kayaks, bikes, camping equipment etc. 553 4477

Molokai Acupuncture and Massage: Located in Kaunakakai above American Savings Bank. Offers Acupuncture, healing, massages, and yoga classes. 553-3930

Other things to do: Read a book, rest, get to know your husband again, maybe even have time to find yourself. Relax, Relax, And Relax. Molokai is about nurturing your mind, your body and your soul.
